Gordon Portrait Gordon’s Journey

Gordon’s Journey

EvoDental was recommended to Gordon by his daughter in law who is a dental hygienist as “according to all records EvoDental was the best place”.

Gordon was wearing a top denture for 15 years – they were the best top denture he had ever had, however they were still ill fitted. Whilst they replicated the look of natural teeth they did not function like natural teeth. He had to compromise his lifestyle due to his denture – he was consciously worried about any social situations which involved him having to take his denture out – eating in public, sharing a room on holiday. He’d had enough and started looking for an alternative to false teeth.

When he came for his free clinical assessment he said he was made to feel like the most important person here and he knew straight away EvoDental was the best place to come to. Since having his treatment, “eating has been grand…sticky cakes don’t stick!” “when I took my fork out, there was no teeth in the sticky cake!”

Gordons biggest regret is not having the EvoSolution™ 15 years ago!

He is so happy with this treatment that he has booked in for his lower jaw too!

Learn more about Gordon’s full Evo Journey here

The Shelton's Journey - Evo Dental The Shelton’s Journey

The Shelton’s Journey

“There’s not one photograph I have with my grandchildren where I’m actually smiling…whereas now I’m forever going shall we play snapchat kids, just so I can smile all the time!”

After researching for a year, husband and wife, Terry & Julieanna actually visited another clinic however they “didn’t feel at all confident or relaxed there”. Then they came to EvoDental and “from the second we came in it was like, this is where we’re going to go”.

Julieanna came to EvoDental thinking she needed both jaws treated, after further assessment our Clinicians explained she only needed her upper jaw treated, whereas Terry required upper and lower jaw correction. Before coming to EvoDental they hated talking to people and socialising with their friends and family. Now, these social butterflies feel like they have a new lease of life and are enjoying living it to the fullest!

Learn more about The Shelton’s full Evo Journey here

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