Denture Alternatives: Do you know your options when it comes to gaining a fixed smile?

The Risks of Getting Dental Implants Abroad – A Patient’s Cautionary Tale - Evo Dental

The Risks of Getting Dental Implants Abroad – A Patient’s Cautionary Tale

When faced with the prospect of needing multiple implant restorations, over 35,000 Brits last year alone, ignored the risks of getting dental implants abroad and instead jumped on a plane bound for destinations like Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria, Turkey for money-saving dental treatment. One such person was Steve Underwood. Here is his cautionary tale…


Full Mouth Implants - Why? | EvoDental

Full Mouth Implants – Why Choose Them – Evo Dental

Many people who visit us for fixed teeth on full mouth implants are struggling to cope both physically and emotionally. Typically, patients present with severe gum disease (loose teeth), are experiencing failing restorative treatment such as crowns, bridges, fillings and root-canal treatments; or have extensive tooth loss – and are now struggling in their day to day life without teeth, or with dentures.


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