Common dental implant types
If you are researching dental implants in London, you’ll likely come across many different treatment types and it can be difficult to understand the difference and to know which is right for you.
The most common dental implant treatment types include those designed for a few missing teeth:
- Single or multiple individual dental implants – which replace individual lost teeth
- Implant-supported bridges – for filling multiple adjacent missing teeth
Or whole arch solutions:
- Implant-retained dentures – for a more secure denture option
- All on 4 dental implants – which replace 8-10 of an upper or lower jaw’s worth of lost teeth
- EvoDental full mouth dental implants – an advanced solution (of 10-12 teeth per jaw) for more patients that is completed in a single day. Including those with low bone levels and who need implants in the upper or lower jaw
However, many providers of dental implants London-wide fail to offer implant solutions for patients considered advanced or complex cases.